Thursday, 28 May 2009

Why Vegetarianism Is Stupid

Why (put very simply from differing religious perspectives) Vegetarianism is stupid:

If You're A Christian/Jew/Muslim/Other Monotheist: You should believe humans are made in God's image and are essentially more important than animals, and that animals were made to eat. If you're a Muslim or Jew you shoudl only really have issues with pork, and Christians have been told all foods are fine for eating.

If You're A Buddhist/Hindu/Other Karma or Reincarnation Faith: You believe life goes around in a circle, things have got to die for other things to live. There's no fighting it.

If You're A Scientologist: lol

If You're An Atheist: You believe that we've only got this far in life by eating other animals, it's all about survival of the fittest. So if you become a vegetarian, you're contradicting your own mantra. And seeing as you don't believe in a spiritual world, you have nothing on which to base a moral objection to eating animals.

If You're An Agnostic: I think it's pretty peculiar you've taken the time to decide whether or not eating animals is morally right and haven't taken the time to make the infinitely more important decision of whether God exists or not.


  1. lthough I do agree that vegetarianism, on the whole, is pretty stupid, I do disagree with some of your arguments. Yes, atheists do not believe in a spiritual world, but why does that leave them without morals? Some people do not eat meat because they believe that the way that the animals are reared is harmful to them - what does that have to do with their souls?

    Similarly, aren't agnostics those who do not know whether they believe. They haven't not chosen, they just cannot. Which is different, and much more difficult than choosing whether or not to eat animals.

  2. I'm not saying atheists are WITHOUT morals. My point is that we all very much do have morals but atheists don't have anything to base those morals on if they believe wer're just by-products of evolution. The fact that all human beings have morals is a proof for the fact there' more to life than just the physical world. Moral laws which we're all aware of point to a moral law giver.

    And in my experience, genuinely, most agnostics are cop outs. Not all, but most.

  3. You got a few things wrong here:

    1) Muslims don't believe humans were made in God's image. They don't believe God *has* an image, hence why they don't depict Him.

    2) Hinduism and Buddhism also believe that there's a life force within everything in the world, called Brahman, I believe. Thus, many believe you should only eat what you have to, and that eating plants is the least offensive thing you can do.

    3) There is no 'atheist mantra'. Just because you're an atheist, doesn't mean you're a die hard defender of evolution, and most of the atheists I know don't see evolution as something core to their beliefs.

    Also, something you'll find many atheists saying is that we are no better than any animals, and are not above them. Therefore, we should treat them with respect. Many atheists say we get our morals from logic.

    4) Agnostics are not mostly 'cop-outs'. I think it's the most sensible solution for a question with no evidence either way (if God exists). And many agnostics (like me) would say it's more important to figure out how to live this life well, than to ponder a question for which you can never really know the answer.

    5) Don't get me STARTED on the 'morality proves there's a God' theory. Morality changes. People have different morality. Some cultures thought sacrificing humans was moral (Aztecs). Some thought that persecuting homosexuals was moral (Christians up to the 1900s). It's a weak theory.

    I'm trying to be a civil as possible here. If I come off as rude, that's not my intention. Have a nice day. ;)
